These are lyrics of the song sung by children and sisters on the blessing day of Thai Duong Home for the Blind last September, blessed by Bishop Joseph Dinh Duc Dao, Bishop of Xuan Loc Diocese. This house in An Loc parish is a temporary shelter for 12 children with vision impairment, two staff with vision impairment, and 4 sisters, while waiting for a building in a piece of land that closes to the Pilgrimage Center of Our Lady in Nui Cui. This Home has Traditional Medicine service for local patients, who put their money in the Collection box if they can. For the poor who have no money, they still receive the same service. Out of four blind young adults who are in career training program, eight children with vision impairment started their special education to be familiar with Braille, Soroban abacus, daily living skills and the white cane. Even though many of them still have a little vision and can see the shadows, they cannot read the print of sighted people, they need to learn special skills for the blind. The children also practice praying and learning about God to know and love God. Besides, they also do physical exercise, sports and play together, so that they can be developed physically and spirtually.
Thanks be to God for gathering us in this An Loc place, thank God for the love and support of the Bishop, priests, sisters and benefactors, especially the support of BVCF. May God grant all of you many graces, joy and peace in the Christmas season and the New Year.